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Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Williamson County

With Our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, We Are Your Source for Comprehensive Plastic Surgery in the Nashville Area

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Your Source for Comprehensive Plastic Surgery Services
in Franklin, TN

Dr. Nathan Brought, a board-certified plastic surgeon, and our expert plastic surgeon in Franklin, Tennessee, specializes in creating that highly desired look of natural beauty. Dr. Brought uses a unique holistic approach to plastic surgery, always creating an individualized treatment plan for each patient. At our Nashville, Tennessee, plastic surgery center, you’ll find both surgical and nonsurgical options that will help you feel and look your best.

From breast reductions to tummy tucks, liposuction and breast implants to facelifts, Botox, noninvasive skin care and procedures after weight loss, our plastic surgeon in Franklin, Tennessee, has the experience, training and talent to get you the results you are looking for. Call or email us if you are interested in a personal consultation for plastic surgery in Nashville, Tennessee, or surrounding areas, or if you have a specific question for Dr. Brought.

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Cosmetic Plastic Surgery in Tennessee

At SPRSI, we offer plastic surgery for the face and body to complement your natural features and help you gain confidence. We can customize all cosmetic procedures for each individual to help you achieve your goals. Contact us online today to learn more about our cosmetic procedures and surgeries.

Before and Afters

Pectoral implants and lipo before and after


"From the moment I contacted your office, your receptionist, your nurse and of course you could not have been more kind and considerate"

— C.P.

"You were one of the most comforting doctors I’ve ever seen and you really put us at ease throughout everything"

— R.M.
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