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Breast Revision Procedure in Franklin & Nashville TN

For women who have had breast cosmetic surgery but are dissatisfied with the results, breast revision surgery is a viable option that corrects imperfections stemming from less-than-professional work or flaws caused by unexpected complications. Breast revision surgery reconstructs and restores faulty breast cosmetic surgery procedures such as breast reductions, breast implants, nipple reconstructions and breast scar removal surgery.
Revision Surgery After Implant, Reconstructive or Reduction Procedure
You may consider breast revision surgery if you're experiencing any of the following effects from a previous surgery:
- Asymmetry - Asymmetry may occur when breast implants are placed too low and "bottom out," forcing nipples to point upward instead of horizontally. Asymmetrical breast implants are often seen with implants that have been placed subglandularly (above the muscle) or fail to drop into the correct position but asymmetry may occur for a number of reasons.
- Implants - Trying to increase breast size by using implants that are too large for the chest may cause synmastia, or the abnormally close positioning of the breasts. Alternately, implants placed too far apart may not give the patient the cleavage they desire. Breast implant revision surgery is also necessary if saline implants suffer deflation or rupture. When cohesive gel silicone breast implants are used, deflation is less obvious and usually requires an MRI to determine whether the implant has actually ruptured. Overfilling implants to decrease visible signs of skin "rippling" is another kind of breast implant revision surgery that can be performed on an outpatient basis.
- Breast Hardening - Medically called capsular contracture, breast hardening occurs when thick scar tissue develops around a breast implant and causes unwanted changes to the shape of the breast, as well as pain and discomfort. Breast scar revision or a capsultectomy surgery removes scar tissue to soften breasts and eliminate soreness associated with accumulated scar tissue.
Revision Following a Mastectomy
Most women elect to have breast reconstruction when one or both breasts are removed due to cancer. If you have had a breast reconstruction procedure and are disappointed with the results, you don't have to settle for something that is not acceptable to you. Breast reconstruction revision surgery performed by Dr. Brought will help re-create your breasts to look the way you envisioned following your original procedure.
Revision to Enlarge Breasts

Many women are also disappointed with their breast implants because they didn't give them the breast size they wanted. Breast implant revision surgery can satisfy your desire for larger breasts by simply replacing the original implants with larger implants.
Information About Breast Revision Procedures
At SPRSI, Dr. Brought - a board-certified surgeon - performs the breast revision surgery procedures. Please view the following information before scheduling your surgery:
- Many breast revision procedures are performed on an outpatient basis so you won't need to spend the night in the hospital.
- General anesthesia is used to maximize your comfort during and after surgery.
- Postoperative support garments are provided to optimize recuperation and enhance the results of your breast augmentation revision surgery.
- You will receive attentive follow-up care involving all aspects of the breast revision surgery to ensure proper healing.
- Depending on the nature of the surgery, you may return to daily activities one or two days after surgery. Sometimes, breast revision surgery recovery may extend to a few weeks for individuals who need extra time to recuperate.
Schedule a Breast Revision Consultation

During your consultation with Dr. Brought, we will discuss any concerns and expectations that you have. Before surgery and after, our team works to make your experience as stress-free as possible. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for a breast revision procedure.
Information on Other Breast Procedures
- Breast Reduction
- Breast Augmetnation/Implants
- Breast Lift
- Pectoral Implants
- Male Breast Reduction/Gynecomastia
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