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Mommy Makeover Surgery in Franklin & Nashville TN

What to Expect with Mommy Makeovers
Factors to Consider With Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery
Who Is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
Many women are turning to mommy makeovers — a catch-all phrase for when women combine plastic surgery procedures in one operation addressing the parts of their bodies most affected by childbirth.
Although there are several variations of the procedure, a mommy makeover can combine any of the following:
Mommy Makeover Procedures Near Nashville, TN
Here is more detail about what mommy makeovers entail, procedure-by-procedure.
Breast Augmentation
Also known as augmentation mammoplasty, breast augmentation involves increasing your breasts' size through fat transfer or breast implants.
Through breast augmentation surgery, your surgeon can:
- Improve hip contours and balance of your breasts.
- Increase the projection and fullness of your breasts.
- Enhance your self-confidence and self-image.
You may also have breast implants for breast reconstruction after an injury or mastectomy.
A breast augmentation procedure includes the following primary steps.
1. Anesthesia: An anesthesiologist will administer medication, such as general anesthesia or intravenous sedation, to keep you comfortable during surgery.
2. The incisions: The surgeon makes incisions in discreet areas, so scarring will be largely unnoticeable. You'll sit down with your plastic surgeon and decide the incision options you think are most appropriate.
3. Insert and place breast implant: After the surgeon makes the incision, they'll insert a breast implant into a pocket either over or under your pectoral muscle.
4. Closing the incisions: Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon closes up your incisions using layered sutures in the tissue of your breasts and will close your skin with sutures, surgical tape or skin adhesive.

Your surgeon can also perform a breast lift simultaneously with your augmentation, or you may decide you need one after your augmentation surgery. You’ll see breast augmentation results immediately.
Discover Our Breast Augmentation ProcedureBreast Lift
Also called mastopexy, a breast lift raises your breasts by eliminating extra skin and tightening the tissue surrounding your breasts to support and reshape your new breast contour. With a breast lift, your figure is rejuvenated, looking more uplifted and perky.
Over time, women's breasts change, losing their firmness and youthful shape. This loss of elasticity in your skin and overall breast changes can be the result of:
- Aging
- Pregnancy
- Weight fluctuations
- Breastfeeding
- Heredity
- Gravity
The main steps of a breast lift are as follows:
1. Anesthesia: The doctor administers the anesthesia medication.
2. The incision: Your doctor will discuss three incision options so you can decide which one best suits your particular needs.
3. Reshape your breasts: Once the surgeon makes the incisions, they'll lift and reshape the underlying breast tissue to improve breast firmness and contour. They'll then reposition your areola and nipple to a more youthful, natural height. If needed, they'll reduce your enlarged areolas by removing your skin at the perimeter, and then remove any excess breast skin to compensate for elasticity loss.
4. Closing the incisions: Once the surgeon reshapes your breasts and removes the excess skin, they'll tighten up the remaining skin as they close the incisions.
You'll see immediate results after your procedure.

Schedule A Mommy Makeover Consultation Today
Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, is where your surgeon eliminates excess skin and fat and often restores separated or weakened muscles to create a firmer and smoother abdominal profile.
Common causes of this excess abdominal skin and fat are:
- Heredity
- Aging
- Prior surgery
- Pregnancy
- Significant weight fluctuations
Fundamental steps for the tummy tuck surgery include the following:
1. Anesthesia: The doctor administers anesthesia medication to make you more comfortable during the surgery.
2. The incision and operation: The surgeon creates a horizontal incision under your bikini line. They then repair the weakened, underlying abdominal muscles. Then, the surgeon creates a second incision around your navel if necessary to eliminate any upper, excess abdomen skin. They pull the upper abdominal skin down and trim the excess skin. They then suture the remaining skin together and create a new belly button opening, popping the belly button through to the surface and then suturing it into the right position.
3. Closing the incisions: The surgeon uses sutures, tapes, and/or skin adhesives to close the incisions in your skin.
After the procedure, your tummy tuck results in a firmer, flatter abdominal contour to correspond to your weight and body type.
Discover Our Tummy Tuck ProcedureLiposuction
Liposuction, or "lipo," reshapes and slims certain body areas as the surgeon removes extra fat deposits and improves your body's proportion and contours.
Liposuction can treat:
- Buttocks and hips
- Thighs
- Upper arms
- Waist and abdomen
- Inner knee
- Back
- Chin, neck, and cheeks
- Ankles and calves
- Chest area
Overview steps for liposuction include the following:
1. Anesthesia: The doctor administers anesthesia medication.
2. The incision: The surgeon performs lipo through small and inconspicuous incisions.
3. The liposuction: Your doctor infuses diluted local anesthesia to reduce trauma, postoperative pain, and bleeding. They then insert a thin, hollow tube called a cannula through your incisions, making a controlled back-and-forth movement to loosen up the extra fat. They then use a syringe attached to the cannula or surgical vacuum to suction the dislodged fat from your body.
Once the fluid retention and swelling go down, you'll notice your improved body contour.
Looking for a Mommy Makeover in near Nashville, TN? Schedule a consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Brought!
What to Expect with Mommy Makeovers
Your mommy makeover helps reverse some of the effects of childbearing and breastfeeding on your body by restoring volume and lift to your breasts and flattening your tummy. It doesn't replace a healthy diet or exercise, or constitute a weight-loss solution.
It might be appropriate to have a mommy makeover if you:
- Have realistic expectations
- Are at a stable weight and are physically healthy
- Have extra tummy fat not responding to exercise or diet
- Have droopy or loose skin around your tummy, have lost volume in your breasts or have sagging breasts
Mommy Makeover Recovery
Simple breast augmentations usually take only a few days to recover from. When combined with a tummy tuck, recovery time may be 10 to 14 days, with an additional week or more before patients may be able to return to work depending on the activity requirements. In general, most mommy makeover surgery patients enjoy a complete recovery within four to six weeks, but it is important to understand that each body will handle surgery differently and Dr. Brought will provide recommendations and instructions based on your specific needs.
During your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Brought, you’ll learn about the different kinds of mommy makeover plastic surgery procedures and how they can help you regain or improve on your pre-pregnancy figure. In addition, we can provide before and after photos for mommy makeover surgeries to give you further insight into the effectiveness of breast lifts, tummy tucks, liposuction, and breast augmentations. Schedule your consultation at SPRSI today!
Mommy Makeover Side Effects
Deciding to get a mommy makeover is very personal. You'll need to determine if the benefits of a mommy makeover will help you reach your goals, and if the potential complications and risks are acceptable.
Like with any surgery, a mommy makeover could come with potential risks you should discuss with your doctor in advance. Possible side effects could include:
- Hemotoma, or swelling of clotted blood vessels within your tissues
- Infection
- Scarring
- Bleeding
- Implant rupture
- Capsular contracture, an internal scar tissue forming a tight, hard, or constricting capsule around your breast implant
- Unsatisfactory results where you'll need another surgery
- Contour irregularities
- Reaction to anesthesia
Mommy makeover side effects are rare, but you can minimize the chance of experiencing them by working with a board-certified, experienced plastic surgeon.
Your plastic surgeon will discuss all associated risks in detail with you.
Factors to Consider With Mommy Makeover Plastic Surgery
You should know certain things about mommy makeovers before you undergo the procedure to get your pre-mommy body back. As with any plastic surgery procedure, you'll be better prepared the more you know.
Recovery and Body Changes
If your plastic surgery is more extensive or complex, you'll have a more challenging and more extended recovery period. However, you'll also have to prepare yourself for your transformation results. A mommy makeover, in many ways, is one of the more transformational procedures performed today. It addresses various big complaints patients seek out plastic surgeons for.
The Cost
Mommy makeovers, for many, are not feasible due to their cost. The price of your surgery will depend on the type and number of procedures you receive. The overall investment for a mommy makeover procedure can cost you up to $20,000, reports the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), depending on certain factors. We'll get more into the detailed costs later in this guide.
If you are a resident near Williamson County TN and are looking for a Mommy Makeover, schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Brought!
Like all surgeries, cosmetic surgery does come with some risks. Your surgeon, if knowledgeable, experienced and committed enough to patient care, will make sure to perform your procedure very carefully. However, a few risks you could potentially encounter are:
- Scarring
- Bleeding
- Infection

Other Options
You have the possibility of combining other options with your mommy makeover — like vaginal rejuvenation and labiaplasty, for instance, to get your body back to its pre-pregnancy state.
There are others, but these are the most common.
Tips for Mommy Makeovers
Here are some mommy makeover plastic surgery tips.
Before Surgery
Before you undergo surgery, you should:
- Do your research. A mommy makeover is a considerable investment and could involve numerous invasive surgeries and several weeks of downtime to recover. To ensure you obtain the results you're looking for, focus your research.
- Communicate with your doctor. You need to consult with your surgeon regarding your surgery's finer details, including things like the size and type of your implants and the incision placement. Be sure you're explicit and upfront with your surgeon, so you obtain the results you're looking for.
- Take enough time off. While some procedures may only take a few days to recover, others could take several weeks, if not more. Therefore, you may want to take additional time off work to account for more time than expected.
After Surgery
After your surgery, you should:
- Prepare for the first few days after surgery. Following your mommy makeover, your doctor will likely prescribe you a few medications for pain, preventing infection, and to help you sleep. Take this time to get plenty of rest, but don't forget to move around a little bit, too. Proper healing is your primary goal here.
- Expect to be emotional. The surgeon just cut into and stitched up your body, which could be traumatic. Then, you're taking pain medication as part of your recovery, which can put you on an emotional rollercoaster. You can go from tears to elation to tears again in mere seconds. Your emotions are going to be all over the place for a little while.
- Get support. It's a good idea to ask a friend, family member, or even hire a person to help you out for your first several days following your surgery. Don't try and go it alone at first. A mommy makeover recovery is tough, and you'll need someone there to assist you in your day-to-day tasks like going to the bathroom, maintaining good hygiene, preparing your meals, and taking your medication.
- Give yourself plenty of time to heal. Getting back to feeling 100 percent is going to take you a little time. Set yourself some realistic expectations — you just came out of major surgery, after all. For the first few months, be gentle with both your mind and your body.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Brought today for a Mommy Makeover, located in Franklin, TN!
Schedule A Mommy Makeover Consultation TodayBenefits of Mommy Makeovers
Some benefits of mommy makeover procedures include:
1. Restores Your Confidence
You will no doubt feel frustrated, self-conscious, or even depressed from the long-lasting physiological changes resulting from things like:
- Pregnancy
- Stretch marks
- A belly pouch
- Loss of breast tissue and elasticity
A mommy makeover is just what you need to restore your self-image and self-confidence.
2. Get Multiple Surgeries Simultaneously
A mommy makeover will allow you to knock out liposuction, a tummy tuck, and a breast lift simultaneously. You'll have fewer inconveniences with billing, insurance, and scheduling, and you'll only have to recover once. Your surgery expenses will be substantially lower when you have multiple surgeries done at one time, as long as you are an appropriate candidate.
3. Realize Improved Skin Tone
As you grow older, you'll begin missing the once-tight skin you enjoyed during your youth. A mommy makeover will enhance your skin tone and texture, making you feel young once again.
4. Achieve a More Drastic Effect
Your transformation will be dramatic and won't be drawn out over several months or years, since you can get everything done all at once with a mommy makeover. Plus, you'll see huge changes in a brief period.
5. Get to Buy and Wear Clothes That Fit
Mommy makeover procedures make finding well-fitting clothing a cinch. Depending on what combination of procedures you opted for, you may find yourself with a smaller bottom and curvier top. Those jeans will now be roomier in the waist.
6. See a Reduction or Elimination of Stretch Marks
Pregnancy causes your skin to stretch rapidly as your body prepares itself for your growing bundle of joy. As this happens, it results in stretch marks, and no matter what type of lotion you apply or how much, you may not be able to avoid them. When women lose the extra baby weight, they get stretch marks on their:
- Thighs
- Hips
- Belly
- Bottom
- Breasts
- Other areas of their body
Stretch marks can no doubt make you feel self-conscious and embarrassed, to the point where you wouldn't even dream about putting on a bikini. A mommy makeover can change all that.
7. Enjoy Enhanced Cleavage
After you give birth and breastfeed, your breasts will begin to droop, taking away the cleavage that looked so appealing in many tops. However, a breast augmentation or lift will have you showing off your cleavage once again, and you'll be dressing in those flattering necklaces and lower-cut tops in no time at all.

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
You could be a great mommy makeover candidate if you:
- Are at an ideal body weight
- Are in good health
- Are done with childbearing
- Have realistic expectations and a positive outlook

Things to Know About Mommy Makeovers
The optimal time you should have your mommy makeover is when you've finished having children, and once you've achieved a stable weight. If you have significant weight loss or gain following your surgery, it could alter your final results.
Preventing Risks Associated With a Mommy Makeover
Knowing exactly why you're having the procedure done, what the surgeon will be doing, and what your results will look like is the best way you can prepare for the surgery. If you have any health problems, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, you need to get these under control before you undergo surgery. A healthy diet is a must.
To prepare for your mommy makeover, your doctor might ask you to:
- Quit smoking
- Get a medical evaulation or lab testing
- Adjust your current medicine or take medication
- Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin or herbal supplements, since they could increase bleeding
Interested in a Mommy Makeover? Contact our office near Nashville, TN to schedule a consultation!
Mommy Makeover Costs in Nashville and Franklin TN
Some factors contribute to the total cost of a mommy makeover, and they can vary considerably among patients. Costs for a mommy makeover may include:
- Surgical facility or hospital fees
- Surgeon's fee
- Fees for implants
- Fees for prescription medications
- X-rays and medical testing fees
- Post-surgery garment fees
- Anesthesia fees
According to the ASPS, a mommy makeover investment can be anywhere from $9,000 to $20,000. However, let's break it down even further so you can have a rough estimate of what to expect as far as costs go.

Estimated costs per procedures are:
- Breast augmentation: $3,719
- Breast lift: $4,636
- Breast augmentation with lift: $6,225
- Breast reduction: $5,631
- Tummy tuck: $5798
- Liposuction: $3,200
For other surgery-related costs, you can refer to the ASPS website.
Recovery From a Mommy Makeover
The recovery time for a mommy makeover surgery is typically between four to six weeks. However, each person's body will recover differently, taking either more or less time to heal completely. Be sure you follow all instructions and recommendations your doctor gives you for your specific needs.

A breast augmentation procedure recovery period is typically only a few days. When you combine it with a tummy tuck, it could take between 10 to 14 days to recover.
For a successful recovery, here are some recovery tips for mommy makeovers.
- Plan for your children: Plan for an effective recovery by ensuring you have someone to watch over your children during and after your mommy makeover plastic surgery. Remember to give yourself plenty of healing time.
- Request time off work: Make sure you request enough time off from work to allow your body time to heal. A minimum of a couple of weeks should suffice, but if you need more time, request it. You don't want to over exert yourself by going back to work before you're ready, especially if your job involves any strenuous physical activity.
Schedule A Mommy Makeover Consultation Today
FAQs About Mommy Makeovers
Here are a few questions that should provide you with some informative information about mommy makeovers we haven't covered already.

Q: How do I decide on the right mommy makeover surgeon?
A: Like all procedures, the physician's experience is the main factor in selecting the right doctor for you. You'll want to find a plastic surgeon who is board-certified and has performed the procedure often with safe and proven results. Here's a list of ASPS-provided questions you can ask the surgeon to help you with your decision.
Q: What Can I Expect on the Day of My Surgery?
A: You may have your mommy makeover either in an independent surgical facility, hospital or office-based surgical suite. After you have prepared for your procedure, your physician and healthcare team will go by your agreed-upon surgical plan. Typically, they'll use general anesthesia to put you to sleep for your surgery. Once your procedure has finished, a health care professional will bring you to the recovery area, where they'll monitor you closely.
Q: What Type of Results Can I Expect From My Mommy Makeover?
A: You'll have a tighter, flatter stomach from your tummy tuck, and the procedure could eliminate some of your stretch marks. However, you shouldn't expect significant weight loss as part of your results.
Your stomach should stay flat and firm for many years unless you become pregnant or have a substantial change in your weight. If, after several years, you’re no longer satisfied with your tummy's appearance because of aging or gravity, you do have the option of undergoing a second surgery to restore a younger-looking body contour.
Breast implant results, in most cases, have long-lasting results. However, you still need your implants monitored regularly to avoid complications, such as a ruptured implant or capsular contraction.
Q: How Long Do I Have to Wait to Have Sex After My Procedure?
A: You should avoid any sexual activity for at least a couple weeks after your mommy makeover, and even longer if your plastic surgeon advises a longer period.
Complete Our Mommy Makeover Consultation Form Today

If you're considering a mommy makeover or have already made up your mind and would like more information, complete our contact form for a mommy makeover consultation today. Here at Southern Plastic & Reconstructive Surgical Institute, our Nashville-area plastic surgeon Dr. Nathan Brought and the rest of our team are knowledgeable, experienced mommy makeover professionals, who are ready to transform your body into the tight, youthful figure you've desired for a long time. We service residents all over the Williamson County, including Franklin, Brentwood, Fairview, & More!
Information on Other Body Procedures
- Abdominoplasty/Tummy Tuck
- Weight Loss Surgery
- Panniculectomy
- Liposuction
- Thigh Lift
- Labiaplasty
- Fat Transfer/Grafting
- Buttocks Augmentation
- Arm Lift