Mommy Makeover Recovery Time

Mommy makeover recovery time

When you’re a busy mom bringing your kids to practices, helping them with homework, and packing lunches — not to mention working outside or from the home to boot — every second counts. You may be curious about getting a mommy makeover but worry that the recovery time would hurt your family, limiting your ability to help around the house or with transportation.

In reality, mommy makeover recovery times are relatively modest. Depending on how invasive or extensive the procedures may be, you will not likely need to stay overnight to get them done. And after you’ve had them, recovery often happens more quickly than you’d expect.

How Long Does a Mommy Makeover Take?

The actual surgical portion of a mommy makeover may not be long. For a tummy tuck, for example, you can be admitted on an outpatient basis and be back home before your kids even get out of school for the day.

How Long Is the Recovery Time for a Mommy Makeover?

Recovery time can vary depending on which procedures you have. Tummy tucksbreast lifts, and liposuction are the most common elements of a mommy makeover. If you get these procedures, healing will be roughly a three-part process:

  1. After three weeks, the bruising will subside. Your swelling will also go down, and you’ll begin to feel “normal.”
  2. After six to eight weeks, your scars will redden, as they are healing.
  3. After six months, you should be healed from all procedures, and the scars will continue to fade over time.

It is important to recognize that each body reacts to surgery differently, so recovery time for a mommy makeover will vary from patient to patient. Every individual’s experience with swelling and bruising may be slightly different, so these are rough guidelines for what to expect during mommy makeover recovery. For most people in good health, however, it only takes a few to several weeks to feel like yourself again.

Your plastic surgeon will be able to provide specific recommendations and recovery instructions based on your personal mommy makeover recovery needs.


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What Activities Can I Do During My Recovery?

While all moms are superheroes and are expected to keep the family functioning, make sure you don’t dive back into all your usual daily activities too soon. Take care of yourself and give your body the time it needs to heal fully. For the first few weeks of your mommy makeover recovery, you will need to have extra help around the house to care for your children or pick up heavy things. A supportive spouse or significant other can pick up this slack, as can older kids in your family.

Your body will let you know what it’s ready to do. If you are a regular runner and you are eager to get back on the roads, for instance, you’ll have to be vigilant for signs that your body is ready for vigorous activity — which usually isn’t recommended until six weeks after your procedures. Lighter activity, however, such as walking or stationary biking, can fit back into your regimen within a week or two.

Once your body is ready, walking can be a great activity to assist your body through the healing process. After any invasive surgery like a mommy makeover, keeping your body moving with mild exercise is a good way to speed up the recovery process and avoid complications. Walking is one of the best mommy makeover recovery activities because it gets your blood flowing, which can prevent tightness, stop the formation of blood clots, and reduce swelling.

Although moderate physical activity can be helpful to healing, make sure you don’t overdo it. Putting extra stress on your body before it’s ready will do more harm than good and result in you having to rest even longer than originally needed.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery

To ensure the weeks and months following your procedure go as smoothly as possible, check out these top five mommy makeover surgery recovery tips:

  1. Be prepared: The recovery period after your surgery will go much better if you set up a recovery area at home beforehand. Your recovery area should include plenty of comfortable pillows(also consider a wedge pillow) and blankets, entertainment like books and movies, and a nearby table for your convenience.
  2. Eat well: Making healthy food choices will give your body the fuel it needs to complete the post-op healing process. Instead of worrying about dieting or focusing on losing weight, eat nourishing meals of whole grains, protein food sources, fruits, and vegetables to help your body through recovery.
  3. Pay attention to your body: Despite being eager to get back to your daily activities and regular exercise routine, be careful not to push your body past its limits. Follow your plastic surgeon’s recovery recommendations and stop performing a task immediately upon feeling pain.
  4. Avoid smoking: Both before and after a mommy makeover, you will need to avoid smoking for several weeks to prevent complications and interferences with the natural healing process.
  5. Ask questions: Whenever you have concerns, doubts, or pressing questions, ask your plastic surgeon. They are there to guide you through the recovery process from start to finish, so never hesitate to reach out.

Get the Body You Deserve With a Mommy Makeover

Recovery time from a mommy makeover shouldn’t be prohibitive. You should be back to your normal routines within several weeks of your procedures, and you’ll feel better about yourself while you do it. Contact Dr. Brought and his staff today to discuss mommy makeover recovery times and procedures.

Posted on November 10, 2016 by blogSPRSI | Posted in: Plastic Surgery

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